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High-Quality, Student-Centered, Green Housing Near Sonoma State University

At Allegro Student Housing, our mission statement is to provide university students with a place to live that is geared solely toward young student life. In an area dedicated to suburban and family pursuits, students need a destination that promotes peer-centered personal development, engagement, safety and wellness. Enter Allegro. We are located a mere 8-minute bike ride from Sonoma State University, but if you drive a car, we also have on-site parking available. In addition, we provide laundry facilities, a BBQ area, fitness room and a volleyball court. Our housing runs on solar power, while cable, wifi, and utilities are included in the cost of rent. Perhaps best of all, for students we allow 10 to 12-month leases, making Allegro one of the most flexible and affordable options. Additionally, we provide security services and 24/7 security cameras. We are located within walking distance to Starbucks and a market and are close to public transportation. We invite you to check out the rest of the site to learn more.